
Altiyan Childs Drug Running Pedo?

New allegations have come to light that accuse popular bodyboarder "Altiyan Childs" of being a drug running pedo.

The news was broken by heroic whistleblower D00MWEED on youtube. Altiyan Childs could not be reached for comment by SkipHopz, however he did not deny the rumors. Perhaps he wants to speak with his lawyer first. If the allegations are true it could have serious effects on Altiyan's career and even jeopardize his inclusion in the bodyboarding hall of fame. His fans will be sure to turn on him if he is brought before the iron law. More on this story as it develops.

UPDATE: sometimes life imitates art and truth is stranger than fiction!! it turns out the rumors about Altiyan Childs may be actually TRUE!! or close enough. read what Coptic Soulja says about his part in this: http://iforgetsorry.com/blog/?p=484 

Altiyan Childs 


  1. His girlfriend is 19 - so I'm not sure in what world that is considered pedo????? Don't let any truth get in the way of your pathetic rumours will you?

  2. his real girlfriensd is 15.......he screwed a 13 year old........makes him a pedo in my book

  3. Where do you get your info from? Screwed a 13 year old? When in the hell do you suppose that happened? In your sick minds???

  4. His Girlfiend is 19 years old, don't know much do you ?

  5. How the fuck do you guys get away with posting this crap??? Talk about slanderous, honestly.

  6. honestly..........it's factual........he screwed a 13 year old

  7. LOL...coz youtube comments are a respected source of factual information...hahah fuckwits


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