
Why Does Eminem Hate Poland?

POLISH fans of the real Slim Shady have experienced a relapse of their infinite sadness, as the Eminem show has yet again passed over their fine country (which is in a period of economic recovery), causing fans to cry "Without me!??"...just like toy soldiers. Encore.

We all know that feel

Much like Eminem's fictional biggest fan, Stan, the Polish public are pissed off and possibly ready to engage in a tragic murder/suicide over the fact that the white rap singer's latest tour dates do not include the land of waffles and eggplants.

The first rumors indicating that Eminem might hate Poland began to surface in 2003 after an interview with Spin magazine where Eminem was quoted saying "I don't not hate Poland" and "Why can't we just wipe Poland off the map?"

Lars, who works at Warsaw record shop 'Muzant', said that although many of his customers are concerned about the issue, Eminem's views on Poland have not damaged his popularity. "Every week someone asks me when Eminem is coming! Given the number of Eminem appearances in our fine country (zero) I think it's safe to say that he really hates us. What did we ever do to him?"

An artist's rendition of the face Eminem made as he vomited over a Polish flag and lit it on fire

Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Radoslaw Sikorski was less enthusiastic about the prospect of a visit from Marshall Mathers, citing his facial hair as a potential stumbling block. "Mr Eminem will either shave that stubble or grow a beard before I will allow him into the country. He looks like a boy!"

The drama continues. It remains to be seen whether the real Slim Shady has a guilty conscience but we will have to wait and see if he will visit Poland to sing, for the moment.


  1. I don't know how much of this article is true but if a lot is, then I can say: What? seriously, Marshall, what have we done to you? I know our country's kinda one big mess but really.. Do you at least have a reason to hate us?

    1. maybe he hates you because your country is full of racist assholes.

    2. Hmm...I think USA got lots more racist assholes than Poland. Eminem acts like he is one of them also.

    3. Youd dont even know what polish people are going through? :/ my best friend is from poalnd SHE IS SUCH A LOVELY GIRL ???? and we both LOVE EMINEM and she agrees that poland is horrible in some places .... everything has its bad sides ? Nothing and no one is perfect?is it ? if he could only visit poland like i did.... ITS BEAUTIFUL ! Love you Marshall <3

    4. Spedziłem kilka godzin na znalezieniu odpowiedzi, dlaczego Ejmen miałby nas nienawidzieć. Otóż prawdą jest że kiedyś w wywiadzie przeprowadzonym przez jakiegoś ubogiego w słownictwo znachora angielsczyzny, Ejmen wyraził się że nienawidzi, Dorobkiewiczów i Karierowiczów co w brzmiało podobny sposób co Polacy itp. Ten oto osioł to tak zrozumiał i plotka sie rozeszła jak ciepłe bułki u Józka..... i od jakiegoś czasu zwolennicy Białego Murzyna wkółko powtarzaja Ejmen nas nienawidzi. Dla ludzi rozumnych standardowe pytanie jak i za co mógłby nas nienawidzieć ? zakłądając nawet że nie wie gdzie jest nasz kraj. Tacy ludzie nigdy nie wyrażają swojej nienawiści do innych nacji, bo to jest publiczny i jawny rasizm a w tych czasach jest bardzo surowo karane.

    5. It's sad how hitler didnt finish the job to destroy poland , no hate to all polands , just for retarded 70 % of the nation , the 30 % are polands but live somewhere eals !

    6. Why dont you go fuck yourself you little, unedicated prick

    7. I Wonder where you're from, you shallow, ignorant cunt..but if you ever show up anywhere in Poland I'll rip your fucking had of . I'll be jumping on your hard till you stop breathing and than I'll fuck your your mother's mouth. You fuckin nobody but piece of human shit.

    8. I don't like the Polish people. I tell you why. I'm also east-europian, but I live in Uk. The Polish community is massive here. But you must know the true about them. They are a most arrogant, aggressive, hostile, seeker and ignorant community I ever seen my entire life. You can find a couple of nice person from them. But they are racist gypsies. Inhuman behaviour, stupid attitude. They are so lazy to learn the native language. Just use they own language. So annoying in Uk that these people flood it and don't let the others get a job and opportunity. My English is not a best, but at least I try. But they are a goddam lazy people. They just pull you down. If they see you can speak english and you talented, they'll drill and exiled you every can when they can. Most of them behave like the apes. shouting, screaming, undemanding, disgusting, bossy, rude and grimace. You unable to avoid them in UK. They are everywhere!

    9. You are also "east-europian " Hehe .. .... you sound to me like an illiterate, ... just passed the Mediterranean as the rest of the African refugees.

      Allahu Akbar my friend !

    10. listen " wankergood " we Polish people fuck u and ur mom so much.Only what u have to do is listen ur owner if not ur chain will be reduced.U are ester eu not estern eu hahaha probably fucking lithuanian shit or any othe post soviet piece of shit.

    11. ive worked with so many nationalities from the EU and the most arrogant bunch of people are from poland

    12. but their women are quite good in bed so, its okay...they sucked my cock very nicely

    13. I live in England 14 years now, how can we steal your jobs when you cannot be bothered to find one, we come to britain because the money situation in Poland is shocking, however you should be thankful that we work the jobs you don't want to, to be honest i hope we do get deported because of Brexit just so you can suffer racist assholes.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. This argument became very racist, which should be punished directly, but as everywhere there is no mods in places like that... ehhh... So I will add something from myself... Well you racist hatists I have two points. First: I am from Poland myself and my English is fluent, I was even correcting or writing letters for British people (!). I agree that Polish community is interacting with each other too much and they don't want to learn the native language and they are aggressive and they drink, etc... Every nation has their flaws and great achievements. But you know what? We are doing the jobs you refuse and WE saved your fucking arses from second world war German invasion, so show some little respect, you cowardly little cunt! Ask any history teacher, what Poland did for UK, America and the rest of the world and you will find out the truth, uneducated prick! At least we work for our stuff, you are waiting to get everything for free. And about Hitler taking Poland..?? If it would be taken, you would be taken too, moron, so go ahead, turn back the time and make it happen, since you are great American ideologist, see how it goes for you, cause you possibly would be a son of a sheep right now, being fucked by some Welsh honest farmer, as far as I am concerned. My second point is: our women are good, cause we are good, no bad man, creates a bad daughter and your American women are ugly, spread diseases by fucking around too much and they suck... yeah they suck cock too, but it's not what I mean... they suck in bed and in life, like you, little faggots! Lazy, stupid, ignorant pussies, with faces like Scottish cows butt! Regards from Poland and kiss my hairy arse cause that is all you fucking ungrataful rasist cunts deserve!
      P.S Look up where the name of town Kosciuszko came from, in your "beautiful" country and the name of the highest mountain in Australia, before you offend us, you fucktards :*

    16. tbf USA and UK are the most racist countries to be known

  2. PS. Why would you call us "the land of waffles and eggplants"? I don't get that at all...

    1. eggplant & waffles r not even popular in PL, i dont get it either.

    2. Guys,they don't know shit about Poland and that's why they say stuff like that. Some of them propably don't even know that Poland exist.

    3. I know...why waffles even more questionable why e g g p l a n t s??? wtf? lol...

    4. I wanted to ask the same question, what's with the eggplants? ;)

    5. this is all out of order people are fighting for no good reason, eminem has fans including myself from poland, it does upset me to know that one of the men that inspire me decide to say sick things like this, people outside of poland who think we are racist, not all of us are okay... its rediculous how people find it easy to say all this crap behind a screen but when it comes to be said in person not a shred of confidence can be found to say it, so every one polish, not polish, black white, rich poor famous unknown show you are the better person, i jeszcze bym chciala powiedziec wszystkin zeby zostawic ta sprawe bo to nawet mnie wkorzylo ale swiat kreci zeby ta sytuacia byla czy nie

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. I'm polish. And i know that polish people are racist. Thank you. Fuck. Eminem is special, and i will always love him. Stop judging idiots. Oki dokey?

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. What makes you thinking that we are racist?
      Because we were fighting for the freedom of our country so many years and we just don't want to lose it again?
      If it's true, Eminem seems to be on somebody leash maybe (like a dog), Jews maybe?
      Why Jews? Because Jews for a few hundred years are struggling to steal a piece of Polish land, or to took over the control on Poland. That is why they collaborated with Nazi Germans during WW2, killing Christian Poles, and other Jews in an act or ritual cleansing (similar to what Moses done). Jews attack Poland and Poles periodically in all media, because they still want something from us.
      Maybe we were too good to them for last ~700 years.

  3. When I went and saw eminem in buddapest he made the crowd chant "Fuck, Poland, Fuck, Poland" and he put up his rude finger.

    How about that.

    1. Did the whole country piss him off???hmmmm? interesting:)
      He has issues from childhood...I feel sorry for him. Not everyone is fortunate when it comes to family.

    2. I went to see Em in Budapest, he didnt say that shit. u tripping fool

    3. I always thought he looks like Russian...especially that he never smiles...:)))

    4. I never been in poland but i hate it.like i never been in china usa russia australia japan hungary srilanka india.i hate them all.now im going to kill myself cose i hate myself...
      Im polish by the way;)

  4. Well, he plainly hasn't seen their majestic... Auschwitz camp? I don't know, what does Poland have to offer except for drunks? Depression?

    1. You stupid stupid fuck! L.O.L !!!! I think you are the depressed drunk. I bet your highest grade completed is hmm? by the looks of it...grade 5...three times.

    2. Beautiful women ;)

    3. To hoaks2 . At leas we dont have dickheads like you in our country , Fuck slim , who need him .!

    4. You are dumber than the law provides ... camps at Auschwitz were built by the Germans during World War II in the years 1929-1946. It's not the Poles killed there people only Germany, Hitler and his people. Every Pole and Jew knows that. You should also know about every person in the world. Teach a little history;)

    5. "I don't know, what does Poland have to offer " ....you simply don't know nothing.

  5. Wait... there are still people in Poland? Don't hear much about them in the news or anything...

    1. You don't hear much about "them" on the news because there not the ones who murder and terrorize ... or go bankrupt for spending money from the EU just to name a couple...your brain is too small for all that knowledge and information.

    2. hey stone computers!...news is not watching the poke a dot door all day...no wonder your stoned.

    3. wait...there r still ppl in USA? All I see is brainwashed zombies who are overweight watching reality TV & pilled out & shit...just saying. technically there are no American left, just pilled out sheep. Awake Polish American slim shady

    4. I can contest that Poland is a shit hole. I spent too much time there, even learned their stupid block head language. Polaks are arrogant, think they know everything, rip off cun*s. That's the truth along with a previously mentioned fact of deeply seated racism. Good on ya Slim!

    5. grow a pair and show your identity, move out the country and erase your memory or just go back to school, we know your not perfect and you should understand that you arent either you stuck up cunt, kiss my POLISH ass
      honestly you all need to grow up !!!


    7. Y'all really aren't helping the case

  6. i don't get You at all... is artist going to some country because he likes this country or to his fans? if he has concerts because he only want to visit some country then his person is not worthy of interest. Any artist is made not by himself but by his fans. If You don't have fans, that being artist is only your passion but nothing more... I like his bits and I don't think that Eminem is person which has prejudices, he rather wants to shock as much people as its possible. Anyone knows that at his concerts are polish fans, nationality is not a problem, nazism has gone years ago :) Our country (Poland) is a little bit crazy but it has many more interesting places to visit than Auschwitz :) Turn off the stereotypical thinking. We live in the twenty-first century, damn it! If You still have prejudices than just fuck off :)

  7. hahahaha USA is one big farm BBC is gey and u don't no shit wake the fuck up because u are gey plis stop... is not about us people from Poland ;D
    and facking travels it is about hip hop if Eminem dont wont to pley for us U dont egzist for me...

  8. @hoaks2 I don't maybe their beautiful lakes,ocean,national parks,mountains,castles ? You've obviously haven't gone to a different country..& about the drunk thing..that's very stereotypical. Get some education before you open your mouth.
    @StoneComputerServices Sorry Poland isn't like the middle east where there's a bombing/killing/massacre everyday. I don't know what news you watch..maybe you should lay off watching MTV.

    1. E news and Facebook is their news...

  9. Lol people, I understand you love Eminem but you don't have to follow him in everything he says...
    Other things is that Poland is a beautiful country and equal to any other so to speak that should not be judged like this.
    Thank you and @hoaks2 shame on you... you really should rethink what you just said
    And do you really expect to hear anything about a foreign country as small as Poland in the news?
    You probably don't even know where Poland is... xD

    1. I could care less what eminem says or thinks. He has no education. I really feel sorry for him and for all of his followers. As for drunks in Poland:)...hej!!!they are all over the world you stupid ignorant fucks. As for all the concentration camps in Europe....they were build by Germans....oh ya...they called themselves "Nazis" and killed not only Jews. What can I say...some people are born ignorant live their life and still die ignorant.

    2. Ja sie urodzilam w Kanadzie...Kocham Cie Polsko!!! wali mnie to co debile pisza. Jestesmy silni!!! przetwarlismy wojny i glodnych sasiadow. Mlaskali z jednej i drugiej strony...ale nas nie pokonali. Jestesmy!!! jestesmy narodem wspanialym...nie ma idealnego panstwa ani idealnych ludzi, jak slysze albo czytam negatywne rzeczy to boli...boli kazdego. Tlumacze sobie ze w dupie byli i gowno widzieli...taka prawda. Zal mi tych prostakow.
      Pozdrawiam Polske i wszystkich Polakow...trzymajmy sie razem!

  10. Fk eminem, i download his shit for free. He must have been beat up by a polish dude in Michigan or his mom got ass fucked by 1. Hes fucked up and a pill addict. i dont believe his sober shit claims for a minute. Also Poland payed a big part in ending communism in Europe and was one fo the 1st countries to stand up again Russia. Most Americans dont know shit, just fat couch potatoes who watch TV and E news! Look it up fools...

  11. Maybe Poland is to Tough for this sissy ass pop rapper.Poland is the greatest Country in this fucked up world and survive everything that Nazis or Communist bring to them and what is USA ? Bunch of fucking losers who do not even have their own language.

  12. Slim is a low down mother fucker who had tregick childhood . I feel sorry more for him the the Poles ! Poland is a great country !

  13. Fuck Slim shady , shit head and also fuck his lousy stupid with out educations so called fans ! HAHA Stupid Fucks .

  14. Fuck eminem . Poland dont even want you you stupid fuck .! Who da fuck you think you are ?! You white wanna be nigger ! Thats something to feel sorry about ! Poland is the BEST !

    1. Narrh polish people not the best I hate them am from the UK And they think they run UK go back to your own F U C K I N G county if you think it's better

    2. uk is polish colony if u dont like leave.

    3. Your point is invalid yo, I mean we don't think we run the UK, in fact we "take your jobs" because you don't want to do them either way, just sit on your asses and watch love island lmfao

  15. In case you didnt already know, eminem IS A POLISH AMERCICAN CELEBRITY. His family are partly polish-perhaps thats why he likes to add the country to his hate list. Check the list of american polish celebrities on the wiki. Axl Rose and Manson are on there too, so I dont know how much of this is really true, lol

  16. All of his shit rap is based on hate. He would shit on his mother's face if that would bring him another dime. Hitler hated Jews because some wise girl did not want to go to bed with him. Probably oue hero Eminem was flushed by a Polish girl who could not stand his shallowness. That's hot it all started. Poor prick eminemmmmmmmmmm

  17. Poland will be existing far longer than shitty fame of asshole yieminem. BTW. who is eminem? do you know that goatfucker?

    1. he suck for all black rapers incl. jay z dr dree and snoopy

  18. fuck this nigger wanna be sieg heil

  19. fuck you eminem , I love poland . POLAND IS THE BEST AND FUCK OFF HATERS > :)

  20. Yeah Eminem you're absolutely right! The nazi sykorzky is too much like Putin.

  21. Hehe autora tego artykuliku najwyraźniej poniosła wyobraźnia, albo po prostu za dużo czegoś bierze. Pierwsze: jeśli Eminem powiedział coś takiego o Polakach i Polsce to poproszę jakiś dowód w formie np. nagranego filmiku video. Drugie: nie mam zielonego pojęcia co to jest kraj bakłażanów i gofrów - "ałtorkowi" chodziło chyba o jakąś inną Polskę (może o tą miejscowość w Stanach, Polen się chyba nazywa). Trzecie: Sikorski jest na usługach kłamcy Tuska a jak wiadomo "jaki pan taki kram". Pewnie znalazła bym jeszcze trochę bzdur w tym tekście, ale nawet nie chciało mi się go czytać w całości. Pozdrawiam Polaków i fanów Eminema w jednym, a reszta niech się wali!

  22. polishpeople are fucking boring,racist,drunks that dont care about other racist but there own.culva

    1. hey pussy we are more tolerence than u u fucking cunt.Only what u do the best is stealing gold and diamonds from africa and other convert free people to slaves this is ur profesion.Talking about comonwealth not enought everybody know ur history and pay back day is very close.Now u be a slaves of black people.

    2. Polish people aren't racist drunks, these are just stereotypes (unlike Americans or Brits). And it's Kurwa not Culva. Additionaly, Polish people aren't taking Jobs that could have been the jobs of these "poor Brits". Without Poles no one would take these Jobs idiots. Poland is superior to all the counries.

  23. to all of you who think poland is a shit hole, inhabited by a bunch of drunks, racists, low-lifes and other scum guess what? u're right in a way. but you have no right to say that if u've never been there (or actually here). and as to this prick eminem - who gives a fuck what he thinks and says anyway.

  24. Poland has many wonderful rappers and pounding my opinion one of the foreign country. I am Polish and I'm proud of that. No one comes here in broad daylight with a gun in his hand and in the evening is not afraid to go out of the house without a dozen friends. Poland as well as most European countries is very tolerant. A man is a man and not divided into color, national origin or religion. Do not worry about the opinion of people who do not know about you ..
    Peace be with you.

  25. polska jest zajebistym krajem . nie mamy tylu dóbr co rozpasłe amerykańskie grubasy, których jedynym celem w życiu jest żarcie i sranie pieniędzmi. przeżyliśmy dużo . a wy? gówno!
    więc zamknijcie mordy jeśli uważacie się za lepszych, bo na pewno lepsi nie jesteście.
    pozdrawiam polakow w usa i "in poland" .

  26. dokladnie , zgadzam sie z powyzszym komentarzem ! bynajmniej Polska ma jakas wartosc ! jak juz wczesniej napisano , przezylismy duzo , wszyscy sie z tym zgadzamy bo to prawda ! za co wgl szanowny Pan " Eminem " nie lubi polakow i dlaczego powiedzial , ze nigdy nie zagra dla polakow i zydow ? nic mu nie zrobilismy , szkoda , ze nie wie ile ma fanow w Polsce , ale pomijajac to , to pewnie mu to zwisa bo co go tam obchodzi Polska jak ma miliony fanow na calej ziemi , egoista ! no trudno , jak jest rasista niech se jest , jego zycie ! jesli uwaza sie za jakiegos lepszego czy Bog wie co , to sie myli ! pozdrawiam rowniez wszystkich Polakow ! :)

  27. Shame I really like Eminem his songs are the best you could possibly imagine. He's so bloody funny, talented and some of his video clips are hilarious such as 'Eminem this looks like a job for me'.
    But why would you do that being a celebrity like that? even if you don't like Poles keep that to yourself why lose fans and raise the number of negative comments about you, cmmon man think.
    Hope your views change and you release some new songs.
    Say no to racism :D

  28. just want to see any proof that Eminem hates Poland. He has never said that. I love Eminem and Poland is a huge shit! :)

    1. ... you will make even bigger shit when you one day meet ISIS

  29. Eminem to głupia kurwa, myśli że skoro miał ciężkie dzieciństwo to może wyzywać Polaków. Głupi gnojek z małym penisem.

  30. Bije mi to czy nie lubi polaków czy nie. i tak bede go słuchał , jednak gdyby na wyciągnięcie ręki dać to bym zaje*ał w łeb ;)

  31. FUCK POLAND.scrounging CUNTS

  32. May be cause he has some polish roots from his father side, and he fuckin' hates his father. lol

  33. It's because your a bunch of cheap cunts

  34. Let's all sing Kumbaya....Kumbaya.....Kumbaya and have a big group hug. : ) XOXOXOXO Greetings from Canada

  35. Let's all sing Kumbaya....Kumbaya.....Kumbaya and have a big group hug. : ) XOXOXOXO Greetings from Canada

  36. Who gives a fuck about this talentless overrated so-called 'star' anyway. He's finished.

  37. Sharia for US sharia for Uk we snap both in short time.

  38. 200 russians vs 2000 english in France no comments hahaha

  39. Finally uk come to the end.Black people must take over this country. The build this country and this country belonge to them.


  41. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6UWkaDinsU IN SHORT

  42. All of you guys are talking like a fucking criminals . When u have a conversation let others show their opinions and thinks about the specific topic.
    My opinion is: well as a Jew I'll always feel something about polishs and Germans. And I think it's understandable but. Polishs are very very racist and mostly when the II world world has started and was live. The polishs has ratted out their Jewish neighbours and it's all for a couple of poor cents. Also. These days the polish government made a law that says Jews can not blame polish for doing anything for Jews in the II ww and if they do it's a a "law break" well I think that this is just an answer to those who says polishs are fine and they are not racist. Polishs has been racist and still racist (at least most of 'em) so as a jew I think that polishs are one of the most antopathic men ever and racist. We should all stop hate but the first step should be yours polishs. Since u made that law you're deleted as a good men in my head. GD.

    1. Are you serious dude? Israel is the most racist country in entire world so better look at own backyard before you start accuse polish people.

  43. Polish guy here. I dont care what some pathetic, hypocrite wigger (aka Eminem) think about my people. Vast majority of his fans are white, middle class americans who know nothing about social problems messaging by original black american rap-tracks.

  44. Wow... The racism here is appaling and makes me lose faith in humanity. Im a Polish person who lives in Britain. My opinion on this article is that i don't really care if Eminem hates or loves my country. His problem, not mine. So how about all of the small-minded racists (thats pretty much EVERYONE HERE) shut up. Bragging about how someone has women on their dick everyday should be humiliating, just like using someone's nationality against them. its disgusting! What makes one nation better than the other? NOTHING. If there were no borders, we would all be the same, in our own different GOOD way. As a PROUD POLISH member of the PROUD BRITISH community i say that all the idiots that want to start fights, racist moves and stupid comments can leave. Anyone who has a brain, will understand what i'm trying to say here. You guys really think racism will solve anything? NO. It's saddening and casues conflict. the people who say these idiotic things are childish, and considering the fact that i am 14, (yes I AM 14) makes all the idiot racists look stupid. And to anyone who wants to say "go back to school" or makes me shut my mouth, my answer to you is a) i already go to school and b) no, i wont shut my mouth when i hear racist shits spreading their racist views. Thats all I have to say.

  45. Actually, Poles were saving Jews despite the death penalty for that. There was only a few that would not help them and leave them. Learn some real history not propaganda.

  46. Ja pierdzielę, że tyle osób bierze tę gównostronę, łącznie z info o śmierci Katy Perry i Jackie Chana na serio.
    A sama plotka to Radio Erewań - powiedzieć miał tak nie Eminem, lecz Axl Rose.
    Lecz i on tego nie powiedział, plotka powstała z pomylenia Polaków z policją przez jakiegoś głuchego fana w jednej z piosenek. Potem Axl przyjechał do Polski 4 razy.
    I tyle w temacie.

  47. Fuck eminem I'm polish but I know better there r rules which u can't pass every country got people who do not deserve to live do not gudge b4 u say something fine out about what u talking about eminem suck black dicks fuck him I wish to have him right in front of me and say shit like that I will knock that little bitch the fuck out people talk a lot but fear do not let them say shit right in face
    Eminem is a bitch

  48. Poland has a unique history, as it has been the center stage of the clash of western and the communist interests. The monarchy in Poland came to an end in 1795 when the country was into between Prussia, Russia and Austria.green motion katowice


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